Monday, October 26, 2009

A leader can only lead a legacy if the legacy is WORTH a lead

If today was your last day on earth,what would people have to say about you? Would they say that you made an impact on the people you connected with? Or would they define your purpose as PURPOSELESS? When your name is heard,what kind of associations would be tied to it?What are you doing to take the road less traveled so that people may remember how you made history? When I ask myself those questions, i have realized that i have a lot of work to do. Although Ive done so much and helped so many,there are many lives that still need to be touched with my gift of service.  Leaving a positive stamp on the life of someone else is one of the most powerful things one can do. It gives me great joy to know that i played a role in changing lives,and for that,i am happy. Be sure that if your life was to end today, your legacy would live on forever,for nobody knows your legacy better than the one your aspire to leave. I live by this,  "A leader can only lead a legacy if the legacy is worth a lead." Be blessed and remember that when you can give yourselves to others,you  are giving back to GOD.

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