Saturday, October 17, 2009


May 9th,2004 was one of the most testimonial experiences of my life. It had been three days after Junior prom, I won the title of prom queen, I was very reputable at school and life was great for such an extraordinary 16 year old like myself. But everything  soon  took a turn for the worst. That was the day my entire life changed. I was arrested,and expelled from all Baltimore City Public Schools forever. I was distraught by the events that had taken place for a few reasons:  This was the second time I allowed someone to be a victim of my angry rage, I destroyed a friendship with someone at the result of my fist, and there was a point where I honestly believed that I had entered the statistic of a young black FAILURE. This was a time in my life where I hit ROCK BOTTOM. I was told that because I had a record,I would never have the opportunity to get a good job, and college simply became a fiction of my imagination. But I didn't let my circumstance define me.  Everyone I was connected to GAVE UP on me, but I refused to GIVE UP on myself. I tell my story because I want you to know that JUST BECAUSE YOU START AT THE BOTTOM,DOESN'T MEAN YOU CANT END UP ON TOP! I never allowed people to define my character just because of the poor decisions that I made. Sometimes in order to grow, we must first make mistakes and acknowledge that there is always room for improvement. By the grace of GOD,  I was fortunate enough to graduate from a top tier all girls high school in Baltimore Maryland,and was accepted into my Alma Mater, Clark Atlanta University. People never imagined I would come out of this  situation as a winner,but because I wasn't willing to GIVE UP on myself, I learned from MY mistakes and became the person I am today. People always tell me that they couldn't imagine the past I had because of my character and I simply tell them, "Its not the situation that defines you as a person,its how you learn from it."Through it all, I HAVE LEARNED, and it has blessed me to minister my story to someone else. Donald Lawrence and the Tri-City singers said it best "Sometimes you have to encourage yourself". Be blessed and remember, WHEN THEY GIVE UP ON YOU,YOU DON'T HAVE TO GIVE UP ON YOURSELF!

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